The best way to support TITO? Take your pick. 


For our special events and fundraisers, we rely on dozens of volunteers. Have a special skill or talent to contribute? Have some time to help restore the Gatekeeper's House or to sell cookies at Maudslay is Haunted? Want to pitch in when we pitch the tents for Summer Arts Workshop? Let us know. We'd love to hear from you if you're able to share your time, expertise and ideas! Contact to learn more.


Each and every donation helps Theater in the Open provide free artistic and educational experiences to Northshore families, which means your gift is a gift to the entire community. Please consider supporting Theater in the Open and visit our Donate page today.

SUPPORT Our Endowment FUND

In 2010 we established an endowment fund as a memorial to our long time friend and supporter George A. Randall (November 18, 1944 – January 17, 2010). The fund is an investment in our future and will be used to secure our long-term residency needs. Contributions to the George A. Randall Endowment Fund are tax deductible. If you wish to help secure our residence, please note this fund on your donation check.

Become a SEASON underwriter

Theater in the Open values the support of our many friends from the business community. Sponsoring a full season of Theater in the Open signals that your business cares about broadening access to the arts and cultural experiences in your community, and helps us to present the highest level theater. Begin a season-long partnership today! Contact Dylan C. Wack at for details. 

Producer Level
Full page ad (8"x5) in all programs; sponsorship listing on our website; logo on all show-related email blasts, posters and Maudslay is Haunted Trail Map. 

Director Level

Half-page ad in all program books, sponsorship listing on our website, logo on all show-related email blasts and posters.

join the circle of friends of theater in the open

Please consider joining our growing Circle of Friends of Theater in the Open. To thank you for your partnership and the support that makes our work possible, we would like to acknowledge your generosity with an ad in our program book, including you as a season sponsor. Please contact Dylan C. Wack at for more information. 

Quarter-page ad in all program books.

Quarter-page ad in all program books, sponsorship listing on our website.

join our board of directors

The Board of Directors at Theater in the Open is a dedicated and tireless group who brings a great deal of insight and strategic focus. The Board has been growing over the past year, but we still have room for anyone with a sincere interest in helping this Organization to thrive. Want to learn more? Contact

HELP US THANK Our Sponsors

MK benatti logo.jpg
Ganesh Imports

Ganesh Imports

Jeremy & Arlene Barnard
Anne Verret-Speck & Forrest Speck