Arts Education—Exercise for your brain!

A growing body of research supports the fact that arts education not only makes students more creative thinkers, but it also has a positive impact on overall academic achievement. Arts education helps students build confidence, social and emotional intelligence and complex problem-solving skills, all of which prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century workplace.

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Theater in the Open has demonstrated consistently that they can work with young people and develop their creativity, commitment to a goal and remarkable self confidence. In these days of arts education being stripped from the education curriculum, organizations like TITO become a necessary part of the social fabric of our society.
— Marshall J.

What We've Achieved

  • Developed a Summer Arts Workshop Scholarship Program so economic circumstance is not a barrier to participation.

  • Increased capacity at our Summer Arts Workshop — we are now able to serve over 300 students each summer.

  • Offer instruction in theater, visual arts and movement, as well as training for students interested in youth arts education.

  • Offer one off workshops at Georgetown Public Schools, the Pingree School, and the Salvation Army (Lynn, MA) on topics from Shakespeare, Improv, and creating plays in collaboration.

  • Expanded our youth performing arts education summer programming from six to nine weeks of workshops.

  • Expanded our spring programming to include an afterschool drama club, and drama club residencies at Sparhawk School and Esperanza Academy.

  • Formed partnerships with several health and human services organizations to include underserved youths in our programs from areas beyond Newburyport.

  • Engaging students in the fall, winter, and spring with Workshop at Night and the Winter Panto Workshop programs.

  • Our education programs are deliberately designed for the outdoors in order to develop confident woodland explorers with a deep connection to nature.


Interested in joining our educational staff this summer? Please fill out our Workshop application here and submit a resume.


Our upcoming educational programs at a glance